
You may want to call an “Excessive Use of New Skill” penalty when your little adventurers branch out into new arenas.

Exhibit A: our preschool doctor in this photo from last week—“Excessive Treatment of Microscopic Wounds!”

As children explore the range of uses for their new skills and tools, overgeneralizing is a natural step in the process of learning. They’re figuring out when, where and how much to put these skills and tools into practice, as in, “Exactly what size of a wound requires a bandage?” and “How many bandages are reasonable?” and “If I were a doctor, what would a patient visit look like?” From what I could tell, this is what was going last week.

As kids grow, noticing the overgeneralization step in the cycle of learning might take a bit more detective work on our parts. Or we might recognize signs in areas we know like academics, and not in other areas like sports. Look for our future blogs on overgeneralizing in the writing process and with social skills.

WHAT’S THE DEAL?:  Overgeneralizing is a natural step in the process of the learning cycle. It happens over and over in all of our lives, even as adults. For parenting purposes, many times we don’t need to do anything but give a guideline, something like, “You can have a handful of bandages today, and then we’re saving the rest for when other people need them.”

As parents, sometimes we feel tempted to step in and throw the penalty flag. Why? Maybe we feel we might be “bad parents” if we don’t do anything.  Maybe we feel that if we don’t step in, the child will do this excessive experimentation indefinitely. All children are unique, but most times, the child won’t continue to overgeneralize on the same topic. They’ll find a new topic! Our son spent one day with the bandages, then moved on to sweating in sweaters because it’s Fall, never mind the 90-degree temperatures.

Are there times when you will stop your adventurers because of impending danger? Yes, definitely. The challenge for us is to develop discernment in what the situation requires.

RESOURCES: Your patience. Your observation skills. Books–short little ones that you can actually read quickly!–on each age’s typical developmental characteristics by Louise Bates Ames, Ph.D.

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